Functional Anatomy and Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals (FABEMM!)
Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi, Department of Life Sciences
Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi, Department of Life Sciences
Angelo State University, 2023
60. Orbach, D.N., Ocampos, A. , Guinn, M.. Elliott, J., Wittmaack, C., Sinclair, C., Abdullah, H. 2024. Opioids,
muscle relaxants, and sedatives detected in free-swimming dolphins. Oral presentation. Society for Marine
Mammalogy, Perth, Australia (November 2024).
59. Orbach, D.N., Fiori, L., Davis, R., Würsig, B. 2024. Energetics of dolphin bow-riding behavior. Oral
presentation. Animal Behavior Society. London, Canada (June 2024).
58. Orbach, D.N., Doyle, K., Ford, L. 2024. Cross-generational place-based education to facilitate environmental
stewardship. Poster presentation. Bociety for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Seattle, Washington
(January 2024).
57. Orbach, D.N., Rich, J., Kelly, D.A., Cowart, J. 2023. Pioneering artificial vagina designs to improve ejaculate
quality. Poster presentation. Biology of Sperm meeting 2023. Nynäsgård, Sweden (September 2023).
56. Orbach, D.N. 2023. Gender bias in genital evolution. Oral presentation (Keynote Speaker). Ontario Ecology,
Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium 2023. London, Ontario, Canada (May 2023).
55. Orbach, D.N. 2022. Sex in the SEAtaceans: Mating behaviors and reproductive anatomy of whales, dolphins,
and porpoises. Oral presentation (Keynote Speaker). Sitka WhaleFest, Sitka, Alaska (November 2022).
54. Orbach, D.N. 2022. Diverse vaginal morphology: Insights from marine mammal genitalia. Virtual oral
presentation (Keynote Speaker). 13th Annual 2022 Miami Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Human Sexuality
Symposium (October 2022).
53. Orbach, D.N., Brassey, C., Gardiner, J., and Brennan, P.L.R. 2021. Alpha shape analyses reveal patterns of 3D vaginal complexity in marine mammals. Oral presentation. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of
Marine Mammals, Palm Beach, Florida (December 2021).
52. Orbach, D.N. 2021. Virtual (Keynote Speaker). Philippine Society for Developmental Biology (November
51. Orbach, D.N. 2021. Sex with a porpoise: Insights from anatomy and behavior. East Coast Naturalist
Whale Watch Workshop, virtual (April 2021).
50. Orbach, D.N., Eaton, J., Fiori, L., Piwetz, S., Weir, J.S., Würsig, M., Würsig, B. 2021. Drones used
to explore dolphin mating. Animal Behaviour Society Twitter Conference, virtual (January 2021).
49. Orbach, D.N., Brassey, C.A., Gardiner, J.D., Brennan, P.L.R. 2021. Three-dimensional shape
analysis with no landmarks: Insights from marine mammal vaginas. Virtual oral presentation. Society
for Integrative and Comparative Biology (January 2021).
48. Orbach, D.N., Cowart, J., Brennan, P.L.R. 2020. Functional morphology of copulatory organs in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Virtual oral presentation. UF Aquatic Animal Health Program
Manatee Research Symposium (September 2020).
47. Orbach, D.N. 2020. Calf-directed aggression in dolphins. Virtual oral presentation. 57th Annual Conference
of the Animal Behavior Society (July 2020).
46. Orbach, D.N., Brennan, P.L.R., Hedrick, B., Keener, W., Webber, Mesnick, S.L. Unique coevolution of genital
asymmetry and lateralized mating behavior in a mammal. Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and
Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas (January 2020).
45. Orbach, D.N., Pearson, H.C. 2019. Spatial patterns and calf-directed aggression in dusky dolphin groups with
calves. Oral presentation. 2nd World Marine Mammal Conference. Sociality in riverine, lagoon-living, and
coastal cetaceans Workshop, Barcelona, Spain (December 2019).
44. Orbach, D.N., Brennan, P.L.R., Hedrick, B.P., Keener, W., Webber, M., Mesnick, S.L. 2019. Porpoise sex is literally kinky: Unique lateralized mating behavior coevolve with genital asymmetry in harbor porpoises
(Phocoena phocoena). Oral presentation. 2nd World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain (December
43. Orbach, D.N., Brennan, P.L.R. 2019. Form and function of the dolphin clitoris. Oral presentation.
International Federation of Association of Anatomist, London, UK (August 2019).
42. Orbach, D.N., Brennan, P.L.R. 2019. Functional morphology of the dolphin clitoris. Oral presentation.
Experimental Biology, Orlando, Florida (April 2019).
41. Orbach, D.N. 2018. Tinder for cetaceans: Swerve left or right to select mates. Oral presentation
(Invited speaker). 2018 American Cetacean Society Conference, Newport, California, USA (November 2018).
40. Orbach, D.N., Hedrick, B., Würsig, B., Mesnick, S.L., Brennan, P.L.R. 2017. The evolution of genital shape
variation in female cetaceans. Poster presentation. Society for Women in Marine Science, Narragansett,
Rhode Island (March 2018).
39. Orbach, D.N., Rattan, S., Hogan, M., Crosby, A., and Brennan, P.L.R. 2018. Biomechanical properties
of dolphin reproductive tissue. Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San
Fransisco, California (January 2018).
38. Orbach, D.N., Kelly, D.A., Solano, M., and Brennan, P.L.R. 2017. Cetacean and pinniped Kama Sutra:
Copulatory fit amongst marine mammals. Oral presentation. 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology
of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Canada (October 2017).
37. Orbach, D.N. 2017. Long-term assessment of site fidelity and association patterns of dusky dolphins
(Lagenorhynchus obscurus) off Kaikoura, New Zealand. Oral presentation (Invited speaker). 22nd
Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Würsig Festschrift, Halifax, Canada (October
36. Orbach, D.N., Brennan, P.L.R. 2017. Copulatory fit of common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) genitalia. Oral presentation and poster presentation (Invited speaker). Experimental Biology, Chicago, Illinois (April 2017).
35. Orbach, D.N., Brennan, P.L.R., Kelly D. 2017. Copulatory Fit and morphological evolution of Cetacean Genitalia. 2017. Poster presentation. Five College Biophysics Research Slam. Amherst, Massachusetts (December 2016).
33-34. Orbach, D.N., Keener, W., Ziltener, A., Hillhouse, J., and Würsig, B 2016. Coevolution of reproductive anatomy and mating behavior in cetaceans. Oral presentations:
Portugal (March 2016).
31. Orbach, D.N., Keener, W., Ziltener, A., Hillhouse, J., and Würsig, B. 2016. Female mating behaviors predicted from anatomy in dolphins and porpoises. Oral presentation. 34th Annual Meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogist, Junction, Texas (February 2016).
30. Orbach, D.N. 2016. Female mate choice strategies of cetaceans. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University’s 6th Annual Graduate Program in Marine Biology Science Symposium, Corpus Christi, Texas (January 2016).
29. Orbach, D.N., Marshall, C.D., Würsig, B, and Mesnick, S.L. 2016. Variation in reproductive tract morphology of the female common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, Oregon (January 2016).
28. Orbach, D.N., Marshall, C.D., Würsig, B, and Mesnick, S.L. 2016. Potential evolution and function of vaginal folds in cetaceans. Poster presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, Oregon (January 2016).
27. Orbach, D.N., Keener, W., Ziltener, A., Hillhouse, J., and Würsig, B. 2015. Size and intensity of female mating behavioral repertoire predicted from reproductive anatomy in odontocetes. Oral presentation. 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, California (December 2015).
26. Orbach, D.N. and Keener, W. 2015. Mating behaviors of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) off the Golden Gate Bridge. Oral presentation. 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Harbor Porpoise Workshop, San Francisco, California (December 2015).
25. Orbach, D.N., Packard, J.M., Piwetz, S., and Würsig, B. 2015. Differences in dorsal fin marking patterns between male and female dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus). Oral presentation. 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Rethinking Lagenorhynchus Workshop, San Francisco, California (December 2015).
24. Orbach, D.N., Marshall, C.D., Würsig, B, and Mesnick, S.L. 2015. Changes in reproductive tract morphology of bottlenose dolphins across age class, reproductive state, and stock. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University System’s 12th Annual Pathways Symposium, Corpus Christi, Texas (October 2015).
23. Orbach, D.N., Rosenthal, G.G., and Würsig, B. 2015. Competition, not cooperation, among male dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) for access to mates. Oral presentation. Abstracts of the 52nd Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, Anchorage, Alaska (June 2015).
22. Orbach, D.N., Packard, J.M., and Würsig, B. 2015. Female mate choice by dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) during mating chases. Oral presentation. Abstracts of the 29th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, St. Julian’s, Malta (March 2015).
21. Orbach, D.N., Packard, J.M., and Würsig, B. 2015. Do female dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) have the potential to exercise active mate choice? Oral presentation. Abstracts of the 118th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, San Antonio, Texas (March 2015).
20. Orbach, D.N., Marshall, C.D., and Würsig, B. 2015. The reproductive anatomy of female common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from Texas. Oral presentation. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogist, Junction, Texas (February 2015).
19. Orbach, D.N. 2015. Behavior and female reproductive morphology of cetaceans. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University’s 5th Annual Graduate Program in Marine Biology Science Symposium, College Station, Texas (January 2015).
18. Orbach, D.N., Packard, J.M., and Würsig, B. 2015. Can female dusky dolphins exercise active mate choice? Poster presentation. Texas A&M University’s 5th Annual Graduate Program in Marine Biology Science Symposium, College Station, Texas (January 2015).
17. Orbach, D.N., Kirchner, T., and Würsig, B. 2014. Measuring the mating behaviors of free-ranging dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus). Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2014. Editors: A.J. Spink, L.W.S. Loijens, M. Woloszynowska-Fraser & L.P.J.J. Wageningen, The Netherlands, August 27-29, 2014.
16. Orbach, D.N. 2014. Cetacean mating tactics: Relationships between behavior and female reproductive morphology. Oral presentation. Sun Yat-sen University’s Workshop in Breeding System Evolution, Guangdong, China (June 2014).
14-15. Orbach, D.N. 2014. Mating patterns of dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) off Kaikoura, New Zealand. Oral presentations:
12. Orbach, D.N., Marshall, C.D., Würsig, B., and Mesnick, S.L. 2013. Into the fold: Form and function of cetacean vaginal morphology. Oral presentation. 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Structural- Functional Shifts in Marine Mammals Workshop, Dunedin, New Zealand (December 2013).
10-11. Orbach, D.N., Salley, A.M., Kügler, A., and Würsig, B. 2012. Do dusky dolphins form mating group associations? Oral presentations:
8. Orbach, D.N. 2010. Functions of the dolphin pseudocervix in cryptic female choice. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University’s 1st Annual Graduate Program in Marine Biology Science Symposium, Galveston, Texas (December 2010).
7. Orbach, D.N. and Boswell, R.A. 2010. Cryptic choice by female dolphins: Assessing the role of the pseudocervix. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University’s 8th Annual Pathways Student Research Symposium, Canyon, Texas (October 2010).
6. Orbach, D.N. 2010. Mate-choice decisions by dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) off New Zealand. Oral presentation. Gulf Coast Student Chapter for the Society of Marine Mammalogy 1st Annual Student Research Symposium, Galveston, Texas (August 2010).
5. Orbach, D.N. and Fenton, M.B. 2009. Free-flying bat obstacle collisions. Oral presentation. 6th Annual Earth Day Colloquium, London, Canada (April 2009).
4. Orbach, D.N. and Fenton, M.B. 2009. Flying under the influence: A case study in fruit bats. Oral presentation. 22nd Annual Western Research Forum, London, Canada (February 2009).
3. Orbach, D.N. and Fenton, M.B. 2008. Obstacle avoidance by inebriated fruit bats, Rousettus aegyptiacus. Oral presentation. Abstracts of the 38th Annual North American Symposium on Bat Research, Scranton, Pennsylvania (October 2008).
2. Orbach, D.N. 2008. Why do bats crash? Oral presentation. Ontario Ecology and Ethology Colloquium 2008, Guelph, Canada (April 2008).
1. Orbach, D.N. and Fenton, M.B. 2008. Distraction and light impacts on bat obstacle avoidance. Oral presentation. 21st Annual Western Research Forum, London, Canada (February 2008).
CO-AUTHOURED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (*mentored student; awarded prize)
89. Guinn, M.*, Elliott, J., Wittmaack, C., Sinclair, C., Abdullah, H, Orbach, D.N. 2024. Effects of extreme salinities
on stress and reproductive hormones in free-ranging dolphins. Oral presentation. Society for Marine
Mammalogy, Perth, Australia (November 2024).
88. Patton, P.T., Pacifici, K., Baird, R.W., Oleson, E.M., Allen, J.B., et al. 2024. Evaluating tradeoffs between
automation and bias in population assessments relying on photo-identification. Oral presentation. Society
for Marine Mammalogy, Perth, Australia (November 2024).
87. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J.C., Orbach, D.N. 2024. High salinity and low pH exposure negatively affect dolphin sperm.
Oral presentation. Society for Marine Mammalogy, Perth, Australia (November 2024).
86. Mills, E.M.*, Piwetz, S., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Factors affecting bottlenose dolphin bow-riding behavior. Poster
presentation. Society for Marine Mammalogy, Perth, Australia (November 2024).
85. Punjabi, L.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Industrial facilities’ impacts on the behavioral states of
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Texas Coastal Bend. Poster presentation. Society for the
Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science: National Diversity in STEM, Phoenix,
Arizona (November 2024).
84. Punjabi, L.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Does proximity to industrial facilities affect dolphin behavioral
state? Oral presentation. Texas Association for Environmental Education, Waco, Texas (October 2024).
83. Punjabi, L.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Effects of industrial facilities on the behavioral states of
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Poster presentation. SAEOPP McNair SSS Scholars Research
Conference. Atlanta, Georgia (June 2024).
82. Rich, J.*, Doyle, K., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Inspiring the next generation of scientists and educators through a
university-middle school collaboration. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi’s
Symposium for Student Innovation, Research, and Creative Activities. Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2024).
81. Licker, M.*, Terry, A., Tristan, T., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Argentine black and white tegu (Salvator merianae)
behavioral and husbandry training. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi’s Symposium
for Student Innovation, Research, and Creative Activities. Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2024).
80. Punjabi, L.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Impacts of treatment plant on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus) behavioral states in the Texas Coastal Bend. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus
Christi’s Symposium for Student Innovation, Research, and Creative Activities. Corpus Christi, Texas (April
79. Ocampos, A.I.*, Guinn, M.A.*, Elliott, J., Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Sinclair, C., Abdullah, H., Orbach, D.N. 2024.
Detection of human pharmaceuticals in blubber of wild dolphins. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University -
Corpus Christi’s Symposium for Student Innovation, Research, and Creative Activities. Corpus Christi, Texas
(April 2024).
78. McGhee, E.*, Orbach, D.N. 2024. Common bottlenose dolphin acoustics in diverse foraging contexts. Poster
presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi’s Symposium for Student Innovation, Research, and
Creative Activities. Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2024).
77. Fiori, L.*, Davis, R.W., Würsig, B., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Energetic cost of behavioral responses to human-
induced disturbance in wild dolphins, a non-invasive approach. Poster presentation. European Cetaceans
Society. Catania, Italy (April 2024).
76. Clear, E., Brassey, C., Grant, R., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Morphology and copulatory fit of genitalia in Southern
sea otters. Oral presentation. Southern Sea Otter Research Update Meeting. Santa Cruz, California (March
75. Ocampos, A.I.*, Guinn, M.A.*, Elliott, J., Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Sinclair, C., Abdullah, H., Orbach, D.N. 2024.
Human pharmaceuticals in free-swimming dolphins. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus
Christi’s SSS-STEM/TRIO International Day of Women in Science. Corpus Christi, Texas (February 2024).
74. Doyle, K., Orbach, D.N., Ford, L. 2024. Birds of a feather flocking together for action. Oral presentation
(Invited Speaker). Informal Science Education Association of Texas Conference. Corpus Christi, Texas
(February 2024).
73. Rich, J.*, Orbach, D.N. 2024. Development of mammalian artificial vaginas. Oral presentation. Texas Society
of Mammalogists. Junction, Texas (February 2024).
72. Ocampos, A.I.*, Guinn, M.A*., Elliott, J., Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Sinclair, C., Abdullah, H., Orbach, D.N. 2024.
Human pharmaceuticals detected in dolphin blubber. Oral presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogists.
Junction, Texas (February 2024).
71. Punjabi, L.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Treatment plant impacts on behavioral states of bottlenose
dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Redfish Bay and Corpus Christi Bay. Poster presentation. Texas Society of
Mammalogists. Junction, Texas (February 2024).
70. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J.C.*, Orbach, D.N. 2024. Dolphin reproductive evolution explored through in vitro semen
analysis. Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Seattle, Washington (January
69. Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C.S., Elliott, J., Abdullah, H., Sinclair, C., Seemann, F., Orbach, D.N. 2023.
Physiological assessment of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) across a salinity gradient. Oral
presentation. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. Portland, Oregon (November 2023).
68. Ocampos, A.I.*, Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Sinclair, C., Elliott, J., Abdullah, H., Orbach, D.N. 2023.
Evaluation of pharmaceutical drugs and other contaminants in the blubber of bottlenose dolphins. Poster
presentation. Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science:
National Diversity in STEM. Portland, Oregon (October 2023).
67. Wilkins, A.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Population abundance growth of bottlenose dolphins in the
Texas Coastal Bend using photo-ID. Poster presentation. Society for the Advancement of
Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science: National Diversity in STEM. Portland, Oregon
(October 2023).
66. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J.C.*, Orbach, D.N. 2023. Female reproductive tract environmental effects on sperm
movement patterns in common bottlenose dolphins. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus
Christi’s Marine Science Graduate Student Organization Symposium. Corpus Christi, Texas (October 2023).
65. Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C.S., Elliott, J., Abdullah, H., Sinclair, C., Seemann, F., Orbach, D.N. 2023.
Physiological assessment of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) across a salinity gradient. Oral
presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi’s Marine Science Graduate Student Organization
Symposium. Corpus Christi, Texas (October 2023).
64. Ocampos, A.I.*, Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Sinclair, C., Elliott, J., Abdullah, H., Orbach, D.N. 2023.
Prescription pharmaceuticals in dolphin blubber. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi’s
Marine Science Graduate Student Organization Symposium. Corpus Christi, Texas (October 2023).
63. Punjabi, L.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Texas Coastal Bend treatment plant impacts on bottlenose
dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Oral presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi’s Marine Science
Graduate Student Organization Symposium. Corpus Christi, Texas (October 2023).
62. Mills, E.M.*, Piwetz, S., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Tracking bottlenose dolphin movement and behavior using a
shore-based theodolite in a busy Texas ship channel. Oral presentation. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine
Mammal Symposium. Mobile, Alabama (March 2023).
61. Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Hussain, A., Elliott, J., Foster, S. Seemann, F., Sinclair, C., Orbach, D.N.
2023. Physiological state of dolphins in the hypersaline Laguna Madre, Texas. Oral presentation. Southeast
and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium. Mobile, Alabama (March 2023).
60. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J.C., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Analyzing impacts of varying pH and on dolphin sperm viability.
Oral presentation. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium. Mobile, Alabama (March 2023).
59. Mills, E.M.*, Piwetz, S., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Tanker-surfing: Bottlenose dolphins bow-ride in a busy Texas ship
channel. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University System 18th Annual Pathway Symposium, Galveston,
Texas (March 2023).
58. Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Elliott, J., Sinclair, C., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Physiological assessment of
dolphins in the hypersaline Laguna Madre, Texas. Poster presentation Texas A&M University System 18th
Annual Pathway Symposium, Galveston, Texas (March 2023).
57. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J.C., Orbach, D.N. 2023. experimental evidence for the effect of cetacean vaginal features
on sperm viability. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University System 18th Annual Pathway Symposium,
Galveston, Texas (March 2023).
56. Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Elliott, J., Sinclair, C., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Blubber hormones and
epidermal integrity as indicators of physiological condition of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the
hypersaline Laguna Madre, Texas. Oral presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, Texas
(February 2023).
53-55. Cano, E.*, Mills, E., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Determining if ‘orienting against the current’ is a dolphin foraging
-Poster presentation. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium. Mobile, Alabama
(March 2023).
-Poster presentation. Texas A&M University System 18th Annual Pathway Symposium, Galveston, Texas
(March 2023).
-Poster presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, Texas (February 2023).
52. Wilkins, A.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Current estimate of the population abundance of
bottlenose dolphins in the Texas Coastal Bend. Poster presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogists,
Junction, Texas (February 2023).
51. Rich, J.*, Doyle, K., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Future of Open Educational Resources: Student teaching in a
university-middle school collaboration. Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology,
Austin, Texas (January 2023).
50. Guinn, M.A.*, Kumar, C., Hussain, A., Elliott, J., Foster, Seemann, F., Sinclair, C., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Effects of
salinity on steroid hormones and epidermal integrity in dolphins. Oral presentation. Society for Integrative
and Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas (January 2023).
49. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Anatomy inspiring technology in novel artificial vagina design. Poster
presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas (January 2023).
46-48. Wilkins, A.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Population abundance of bottlenose dolphins in the Texas
Coastal Bend using photo-identification.
-Oral presentation. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium. Mobile, Alabama (March
-Poster presentation. Texas A&M University System 18th Annual Pathway Symposium, Galveston, Texas
(March 2023).
-Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas (January 2023).
45. Mills, E.M.*, Piwetz, S., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Theodolite tracking bottlenose dolphin movement and behavior in
a busy Texas ship channel. Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas
(January 2023).
44. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J., Orbach, D.N. 2022. Improving ejaculate quality for conservation: Development of a
novel artificial vagina. Poster Presentation. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals,
Palm Beach, Florida (August 2022).
43. Guinn, M.A.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Physiological stress and health of dolphins in the Texas Coastal Bend. Oral
presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022 Spring Student Research Symposium, Corpus
Christi, Texas (April 2022).
42. Rich, J.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. An innovative approach to improving artificial insemination success. Oral
presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022 Spring Student Research Symposium, Corpus
Christi, Texas (April 2022).
41. Wilkins, A.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Abundance of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Texas Coastal Bend.
Oral presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022 Spring Student Research Symposium,
Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2022).
40. Mills, E.M.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Tracking bottlenose dolphin movement and behavior in the Corpus Christi
ship channel. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022 Spring Student Research
Symposium, Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2022).
39. Deel, M.C.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Utilization of computed tomography to view genital interactions in orcas
(Orcinus orca) during intromission. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022 Spring
Student Research Symposium, Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2022).
38. Clute, A.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Genital interactions in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nerei). Poster
presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022 Spring Student Research Symposium, Corpus
Christi, Texas (April 2022).
37. Partin, C.*, Orbach, D.N., Ramos, E.A., Magnasco, M.O., Reiss, D. 2022. Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
spatial dispersion and orientation in pods. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022
Spring Student Research Symposium, Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2022).
36. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J., Orbach, D.N. 2022. Novel technology to improve artificial insemination success in
dolphins. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University 3MT, Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2022).
35. Mills, E.M.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Shore-based theodolite tracking of bottlenose dolphin movement and
behavior in the Corpus Christi Ship Channel. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University System 17th
Annual Pathway Symposium, College Station, Texas (March 2022).
34. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J., Orbach, D.N. 2022. Conservation innovation: a novel approach to improving assisted
reproductive technologies. Oral presentation.Texas A&M University System 17th Annual Pathway
Symposium, College Station, Texas (March 2022).
34. Deel, M.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Computed tomography to explore intromission in orcas (Orcinus orca). Poster
presentation. Texas A&M University System 17th Annual Pathway Symposium, College Station, Texas
(March 2022).
33. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J., Orbach, D.N. 2022. Novel biomimetic artificial vagina use to improve ejaculate quality.
Virtual oral presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist (February 2022).
32. Mills, E.M.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Movement and behavioral patterns of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus) in a dynamic Texas ship channel. Virtual oral presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist
(February 2022).
31. Clute, C.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Copulatory fit in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nerei). Virtual oral
presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist (February 2022).
30. Partin, C.*, Ramos, E., Magnasco, M.O., Reiss, D., Orbach, D.N. 2022. Dolphin (Tursiops trancatus) spatial
dispersion and orientation in groups. Virtual oral presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist (February
29. Deel, M.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Using computed tomography to assess copulatory fit in orcas (Orcinus orca)
Virtual poster presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist (February 2022).
28. Huron, S., McGlaun, W., McCracken, S., Orbach, D.N. 2021. How do various anthropogenic stressors affect
the long-term habitat use of bottlenose dolphins? Virtual oral presentation. Animal Behaviour Society
Virtual Meeting (August 2021).
27. Hurst, B., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Scar diminishing rates of common bottlenose dolphin in varying
natural salinity. Virtual oral presentation. Animal Behaviour Society Virtual Meeting (August 2021).
26. Dulip, R., Christensen, E., Jones, D., Louis, L., Mahlmann, J., Orbach, D., Sanchez, S., Rudowsky, C.
2021. Capitalizing on a pandemic: Academic innovation in the library that decreases the digital divide
among socioeconomic groups. Virtual oral presentation. Texas A&M University System Chancellor’s
Conference on Academic Technology (June 2021).
25. Hurst, B., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Varying natural salinity affects scar healing rates in bottlenose
dolphins. Virtual poster presentation. University of Maryland Virtual National Conference for McNair
Scholars and Undergraduate Research. (March 2021).
24. Huron, S.* Orbach, D.N. 2021. Effects of anthropogenic stressors on abundance, site fidelity, and
residency patterns of bottlenose dolphins in Coastal Bend, Texas. Virtual poster presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist (February 2021).
23. Hurst, B., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Healing rates of scars on bottlenose dolphins in varying natural
salinities. Virtual oral presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist (February 2021).
22. Trickey, A., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Effects of male dusky dolphin mating behaviors on durations and
rates of copulation. Virtual oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
(January 2021).
21 Huron, S., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Population biology of bottlenose dolphins in the Texas Coastal Bend.
Animal Behaviour Society Twitter Conference, virtual (January 2021).
20. Hurst, B., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Scar healing rates on bottlenose dolphins in different natural salinities.
Animal Behaviour Society Twitter Conference, virtual (January 2021).
19. Trickey, A., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Male-specific behaviors of dusky dolphins affect frequency and
rates of copulations. Animal Behaviour Society Twitter Conference, virtual (January 2021).18. Brennan,
P.L.R., Orbach, D.N. 2019. Form and function of the dolphin clitoris and why it matters. Oral
presentation. Evolution, Providence, Rhode Island (June 2019).
17. Webber, M., Keener, W., Orbach, D.N., Szczepaniak, I., Markowitz, T., and Stern, J. 2017. Mating behavior of
male harbor porposes in San Francisco Bay. Oral presentation. 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of
Marine Mammals, Würsig Festschrift, Halifax, Canada (October 2017).
15-16. Orbach, D.N. Hedrick, B., and Brennan, P.L.R. 2017. Vaginal shape variation in cetaceans: effects of allometry, ontogeny, natural and sexual selection. Oral presentation:
13. Hillhouse, J., Orbach, D.N., Ziltener, A., and Würsig, B. 2016. Mating interactions of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). Poster presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogists 34th Annual Meeting, Junction, Texas (February 2016).
11-12. Mesnick, S. and Orbach, D.N., Danil, K., Chivers, S.J., Robeck, T.R., Montano, G.A., Gulland, F., Marshall, C.D., Dixson, A.F. 2015/2016. Coevolution of female and male reproductive tract anatomy in cetaceans. Oral presentations:
9. Mattson, E., Orbach, D., Piwetz, S., Würsig, B., Highfield, W., Marshall, C. 2015. Potential oil spill effects on behavior and group size of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Galveston Ship Channel. Poster presentation. Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. Houston, Texas (February 2015).
8. Schotten, M., Würsig, B., Orbach, D., Sexton, K., Piwetz, S., and Lammers, M. 2013. Who is vocalising? Acoustic localisations of broadband clicks plotted onto video recordings of individual dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) in New Zealand. Poster presentation. 6th International Workshop on Detection, Classification, Localization and Density Estimation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics, St. Andrews, Scotland (June 2013).
7. Schotten, M., Würsig, B., Orbach, D., Sexton, K., and Piwetz, S. 2013. Broadband acoustic/video recordings and localisations of dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) and short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in New Zealand. Oral presentation. Abstracts of the 27th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Setúbal, Portugal (April 2013).
3-6. Pennacchi, A.M., Orbach, D.N., and Würsig, B.G. 2013. Behavior of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) relative to boat traffic in the Galveston Ship Channel, Texas. Posters presentations:
1. Kügler, A., Orbach, D., and Würsig, B. 2012. Identifying ecological threats using natural marks on dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus). Poster presentation. Abstracts of the 26th European Cetacean Society Conference, Galway, Ireland (March 2012).
Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi, Department of Life Sciences
- BIOL 4319/5319 Biology of Marine Mammals, Fall semesters
- BIOL 2300 Science Communication, Spring semesters
- BIOL 3425 Functional Anatomy, Spring semesters
- HONR 4390 Field Experience in Dolphin Research, Summer semesters
Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi, Department of Life Sciences
- BIOL/BIMS 2200 Professional Skills, 2020
- Field Studies of Marine Mammals, 2018 , 2019, 2021
- Alternative Reproductive Tactics (graduate level course), 2017
- Biology of Cetaceans, 2017, 2018
- Cetacean Behavior and Behavioral Ecology Laboratories, 2015
- Biology of Marine Mammals Laboratories, 2011-2014
- Introductory Biology Laboratories, 2012
- Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals of New Zealand, 2012
- Introductory Biology Laboratories and Tutorials, 2007–2009
- Bat Monitoring Workshop, 2009
Angelo State University, 2023
- Seminar: Department of Biology
- Graduate Class: Marine Mammal Biology
- Undergraduate Class: Biology of Marine Mammals
- Seminar: Aquatic Animal Health
- Seminar: Department of Biology
- Seminar: Department of Biology
- Seminar: University Programs
- Seminar: Department of Zoology, Comparative Physiology
- Seminar: College of Veterinary Medicine Theriogenology Club and World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association
- Seminar: Department of Biological Sciences
- Seminar: Department of Biology
- Brown Bag Seminar: Department of Protected Resources
- Seminar: Department of Life Sciences
- Seminar: Department of Biology
- Seminar: Organismic and Evolutionary Biology program
- Science Cafe: Organismic and Evolutionary Biology program
- Seminar: Department of Biology
- Seminar: Faculty of Agriculture
- Seminar: Department of Biology
- Seminar: Department of Anatomy
- Undergraduate Classes: Field Studies of Marine Mammals; Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Mammals, Cellular Biology
- Seminar: Department of Congitive Science
- Undergraduate Classes: Animal Behavior; Marine Mammals
- Seminar: NEFSC/WHOI luncheon
- Seminar: Department of Biological Sciences
- Seminar: Department of Marine Biology
- Graduate Class: Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals of New Zealand
- Undergraduate Classes: Cetacean Behavior and Behavioral Ecology; Biology of Marine Mammals; Scientific Methods; Coastal Marine Biology and Geology of Alaska
60. Orbach, D.N., Ocampos, A. , Guinn, M.. Elliott, J., Wittmaack, C., Sinclair, C., Abdullah, H. 2024. Opioids,
muscle relaxants, and sedatives detected in free-swimming dolphins. Oral presentation. Society for Marine
Mammalogy, Perth, Australia (November 2024).
59. Orbach, D.N., Fiori, L., Davis, R., Würsig, B. 2024. Energetics of dolphin bow-riding behavior. Oral
presentation. Animal Behavior Society. London, Canada (June 2024).
58. Orbach, D.N., Doyle, K., Ford, L. 2024. Cross-generational place-based education to facilitate environmental
stewardship. Poster presentation. Bociety for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Seattle, Washington
(January 2024).
57. Orbach, D.N., Rich, J., Kelly, D.A., Cowart, J. 2023. Pioneering artificial vagina designs to improve ejaculate
quality. Poster presentation. Biology of Sperm meeting 2023. Nynäsgård, Sweden (September 2023).
56. Orbach, D.N. 2023. Gender bias in genital evolution. Oral presentation (Keynote Speaker). Ontario Ecology,
Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium 2023. London, Ontario, Canada (May 2023).
55. Orbach, D.N. 2022. Sex in the SEAtaceans: Mating behaviors and reproductive anatomy of whales, dolphins,
and porpoises. Oral presentation (Keynote Speaker). Sitka WhaleFest, Sitka, Alaska (November 2022).
54. Orbach, D.N. 2022. Diverse vaginal morphology: Insights from marine mammal genitalia. Virtual oral
presentation (Keynote Speaker). 13th Annual 2022 Miami Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Human Sexuality
Symposium (October 2022).
53. Orbach, D.N., Brassey, C., Gardiner, J., and Brennan, P.L.R. 2021. Alpha shape analyses reveal patterns of 3D vaginal complexity in marine mammals. Oral presentation. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of
Marine Mammals, Palm Beach, Florida (December 2021).
52. Orbach, D.N. 2021. Virtual (Keynote Speaker). Philippine Society for Developmental Biology (November
51. Orbach, D.N. 2021. Sex with a porpoise: Insights from anatomy and behavior. East Coast Naturalist
Whale Watch Workshop, virtual (April 2021).
50. Orbach, D.N., Eaton, J., Fiori, L., Piwetz, S., Weir, J.S., Würsig, M., Würsig, B. 2021. Drones used
to explore dolphin mating. Animal Behaviour Society Twitter Conference, virtual (January 2021).
49. Orbach, D.N., Brassey, C.A., Gardiner, J.D., Brennan, P.L.R. 2021. Three-dimensional shape
analysis with no landmarks: Insights from marine mammal vaginas. Virtual oral presentation. Society
for Integrative and Comparative Biology (January 2021).
48. Orbach, D.N., Cowart, J., Brennan, P.L.R. 2020. Functional morphology of copulatory organs in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Virtual oral presentation. UF Aquatic Animal Health Program
Manatee Research Symposium (September 2020).
47. Orbach, D.N. 2020. Calf-directed aggression in dolphins. Virtual oral presentation. 57th Annual Conference
of the Animal Behavior Society (July 2020).
46. Orbach, D.N., Brennan, P.L.R., Hedrick, B., Keener, W., Webber, Mesnick, S.L. Unique coevolution of genital
asymmetry and lateralized mating behavior in a mammal. Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and
Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas (January 2020).
45. Orbach, D.N., Pearson, H.C. 2019. Spatial patterns and calf-directed aggression in dusky dolphin groups with
calves. Oral presentation. 2nd World Marine Mammal Conference. Sociality in riverine, lagoon-living, and
coastal cetaceans Workshop, Barcelona, Spain (December 2019).
44. Orbach, D.N., Brennan, P.L.R., Hedrick, B.P., Keener, W., Webber, M., Mesnick, S.L. 2019. Porpoise sex is literally kinky: Unique lateralized mating behavior coevolve with genital asymmetry in harbor porpoises
(Phocoena phocoena). Oral presentation. 2nd World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain (December
43. Orbach, D.N., Brennan, P.L.R. 2019. Form and function of the dolphin clitoris. Oral presentation.
International Federation of Association of Anatomist, London, UK (August 2019).
42. Orbach, D.N., Brennan, P.L.R. 2019. Functional morphology of the dolphin clitoris. Oral presentation.
Experimental Biology, Orlando, Florida (April 2019).
41. Orbach, D.N. 2018. Tinder for cetaceans: Swerve left or right to select mates. Oral presentation
(Invited speaker). 2018 American Cetacean Society Conference, Newport, California, USA (November 2018).
40. Orbach, D.N., Hedrick, B., Würsig, B., Mesnick, S.L., Brennan, P.L.R. 2017. The evolution of genital shape
variation in female cetaceans. Poster presentation. Society for Women in Marine Science, Narragansett,
Rhode Island (March 2018).
39. Orbach, D.N., Rattan, S., Hogan, M., Crosby, A., and Brennan, P.L.R. 2018. Biomechanical properties
of dolphin reproductive tissue. Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San
Fransisco, California (January 2018).
38. Orbach, D.N., Kelly, D.A., Solano, M., and Brennan, P.L.R. 2017. Cetacean and pinniped Kama Sutra:
Copulatory fit amongst marine mammals. Oral presentation. 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology
of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Canada (October 2017).
37. Orbach, D.N. 2017. Long-term assessment of site fidelity and association patterns of dusky dolphins
(Lagenorhynchus obscurus) off Kaikoura, New Zealand. Oral presentation (Invited speaker). 22nd
Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Würsig Festschrift, Halifax, Canada (October
36. Orbach, D.N., Brennan, P.L.R. 2017. Copulatory fit of common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) genitalia. Oral presentation and poster presentation (Invited speaker). Experimental Biology, Chicago, Illinois (April 2017).
35. Orbach, D.N., Brennan, P.L.R., Kelly D. 2017. Copulatory Fit and morphological evolution of Cetacean Genitalia. 2017. Poster presentation. Five College Biophysics Research Slam. Amherst, Massachusetts (December 2016).
33-34. Orbach, D.N., Keener, W., Ziltener, A., Hillhouse, J., and Würsig, B 2016. Coevolution of reproductive anatomy and mating behavior in cetaceans. Oral presentations:
- Texas A&M University’s 17th Ecological Integration Symposium, College Station, Texas (April 2016).
- Texas A&M University’s 19th Student Research Week, College Station, Texas (March 2016).
Portugal (March 2016).
31. Orbach, D.N., Keener, W., Ziltener, A., Hillhouse, J., and Würsig, B. 2016. Female mating behaviors predicted from anatomy in dolphins and porpoises. Oral presentation. 34th Annual Meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogist, Junction, Texas (February 2016).
30. Orbach, D.N. 2016. Female mate choice strategies of cetaceans. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University’s 6th Annual Graduate Program in Marine Biology Science Symposium, Corpus Christi, Texas (January 2016).
29. Orbach, D.N., Marshall, C.D., Würsig, B, and Mesnick, S.L. 2016. Variation in reproductive tract morphology of the female common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, Oregon (January 2016).
28. Orbach, D.N., Marshall, C.D., Würsig, B, and Mesnick, S.L. 2016. Potential evolution and function of vaginal folds in cetaceans. Poster presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, Oregon (January 2016).
27. Orbach, D.N., Keener, W., Ziltener, A., Hillhouse, J., and Würsig, B. 2015. Size and intensity of female mating behavioral repertoire predicted from reproductive anatomy in odontocetes. Oral presentation. 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, California (December 2015).
26. Orbach, D.N. and Keener, W. 2015. Mating behaviors of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) off the Golden Gate Bridge. Oral presentation. 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Harbor Porpoise Workshop, San Francisco, California (December 2015).
25. Orbach, D.N., Packard, J.M., Piwetz, S., and Würsig, B. 2015. Differences in dorsal fin marking patterns between male and female dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus). Oral presentation. 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Rethinking Lagenorhynchus Workshop, San Francisco, California (December 2015).
24. Orbach, D.N., Marshall, C.D., Würsig, B, and Mesnick, S.L. 2015. Changes in reproductive tract morphology of bottlenose dolphins across age class, reproductive state, and stock. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University System’s 12th Annual Pathways Symposium, Corpus Christi, Texas (October 2015).
23. Orbach, D.N., Rosenthal, G.G., and Würsig, B. 2015. Competition, not cooperation, among male dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) for access to mates. Oral presentation. Abstracts of the 52nd Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, Anchorage, Alaska (June 2015).
22. Orbach, D.N., Packard, J.M., and Würsig, B. 2015. Female mate choice by dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) during mating chases. Oral presentation. Abstracts of the 29th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, St. Julian’s, Malta (March 2015).
21. Orbach, D.N., Packard, J.M., and Würsig, B. 2015. Do female dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) have the potential to exercise active mate choice? Oral presentation. Abstracts of the 118th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, San Antonio, Texas (March 2015).
20. Orbach, D.N., Marshall, C.D., and Würsig, B. 2015. The reproductive anatomy of female common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from Texas. Oral presentation. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogist, Junction, Texas (February 2015).
19. Orbach, D.N. 2015. Behavior and female reproductive morphology of cetaceans. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University’s 5th Annual Graduate Program in Marine Biology Science Symposium, College Station, Texas (January 2015).
18. Orbach, D.N., Packard, J.M., and Würsig, B. 2015. Can female dusky dolphins exercise active mate choice? Poster presentation. Texas A&M University’s 5th Annual Graduate Program in Marine Biology Science Symposium, College Station, Texas (January 2015).
17. Orbach, D.N., Kirchner, T., and Würsig, B. 2014. Measuring the mating behaviors of free-ranging dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus). Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2014. Editors: A.J. Spink, L.W.S. Loijens, M. Woloszynowska-Fraser & L.P.J.J. Wageningen, The Netherlands, August 27-29, 2014.
16. Orbach, D.N. 2014. Cetacean mating tactics: Relationships between behavior and female reproductive morphology. Oral presentation. Sun Yat-sen University’s Workshop in Breeding System Evolution, Guangdong, China (June 2014).
14-15. Orbach, D.N. 2014. Mating patterns of dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) off Kaikoura, New Zealand. Oral presentations:
- Texas A&M University’s 15th Ecological Integration Symposium, College Station, Texas (March 2014).
- Texas A&M University’s 17th Student Research Week, College Station, Texas (March 2014).
12. Orbach, D.N., Marshall, C.D., Würsig, B., and Mesnick, S.L. 2013. Into the fold: Form and function of cetacean vaginal morphology. Oral presentation. 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Structural- Functional Shifts in Marine Mammals Workshop, Dunedin, New Zealand (December 2013).
10-11. Orbach, D.N., Salley, A.M., Kügler, A., and Würsig, B. 2012. Do dusky dolphins form mating group associations? Oral presentations:
- Texas A&M University’s 13th Ecological Integration Symposium, College Station, Texas (March 2012).
- Texas A&M University’s 15th Student Research Week, College Station, Texas (March 2012).
8. Orbach, D.N. 2010. Functions of the dolphin pseudocervix in cryptic female choice. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University’s 1st Annual Graduate Program in Marine Biology Science Symposium, Galveston, Texas (December 2010).
7. Orbach, D.N. and Boswell, R.A. 2010. Cryptic choice by female dolphins: Assessing the role of the pseudocervix. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University’s 8th Annual Pathways Student Research Symposium, Canyon, Texas (October 2010).
6. Orbach, D.N. 2010. Mate-choice decisions by dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) off New Zealand. Oral presentation. Gulf Coast Student Chapter for the Society of Marine Mammalogy 1st Annual Student Research Symposium, Galveston, Texas (August 2010).
5. Orbach, D.N. and Fenton, M.B. 2009. Free-flying bat obstacle collisions. Oral presentation. 6th Annual Earth Day Colloquium, London, Canada (April 2009).
4. Orbach, D.N. and Fenton, M.B. 2009. Flying under the influence: A case study in fruit bats. Oral presentation. 22nd Annual Western Research Forum, London, Canada (February 2009).
3. Orbach, D.N. and Fenton, M.B. 2008. Obstacle avoidance by inebriated fruit bats, Rousettus aegyptiacus. Oral presentation. Abstracts of the 38th Annual North American Symposium on Bat Research, Scranton, Pennsylvania (October 2008).
2. Orbach, D.N. 2008. Why do bats crash? Oral presentation. Ontario Ecology and Ethology Colloquium 2008, Guelph, Canada (April 2008).
1. Orbach, D.N. and Fenton, M.B. 2008. Distraction and light impacts on bat obstacle avoidance. Oral presentation. 21st Annual Western Research Forum, London, Canada (February 2008).
CO-AUTHOURED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (*mentored student; awarded prize)
89. Guinn, M.*, Elliott, J., Wittmaack, C., Sinclair, C., Abdullah, H, Orbach, D.N. 2024. Effects of extreme salinities
on stress and reproductive hormones in free-ranging dolphins. Oral presentation. Society for Marine
Mammalogy, Perth, Australia (November 2024).
88. Patton, P.T., Pacifici, K., Baird, R.W., Oleson, E.M., Allen, J.B., et al. 2024. Evaluating tradeoffs between
automation and bias in population assessments relying on photo-identification. Oral presentation. Society
for Marine Mammalogy, Perth, Australia (November 2024).
87. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J.C., Orbach, D.N. 2024. High salinity and low pH exposure negatively affect dolphin sperm.
Oral presentation. Society for Marine Mammalogy, Perth, Australia (November 2024).
86. Mills, E.M.*, Piwetz, S., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Factors affecting bottlenose dolphin bow-riding behavior. Poster
presentation. Society for Marine Mammalogy, Perth, Australia (November 2024).
85. Punjabi, L.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Industrial facilities’ impacts on the behavioral states of
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Texas Coastal Bend. Poster presentation. Society for the
Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science: National Diversity in STEM, Phoenix,
Arizona (November 2024).
84. Punjabi, L.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Does proximity to industrial facilities affect dolphin behavioral
state? Oral presentation. Texas Association for Environmental Education, Waco, Texas (October 2024).
83. Punjabi, L.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Effects of industrial facilities on the behavioral states of
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Poster presentation. SAEOPP McNair SSS Scholars Research
Conference. Atlanta, Georgia (June 2024).
82. Rich, J.*, Doyle, K., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Inspiring the next generation of scientists and educators through a
university-middle school collaboration. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi’s
Symposium for Student Innovation, Research, and Creative Activities. Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2024).
81. Licker, M.*, Terry, A., Tristan, T., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Argentine black and white tegu (Salvator merianae)
behavioral and husbandry training. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi’s Symposium
for Student Innovation, Research, and Creative Activities. Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2024).
80. Punjabi, L.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Impacts of treatment plant on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus) behavioral states in the Texas Coastal Bend. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus
Christi’s Symposium for Student Innovation, Research, and Creative Activities. Corpus Christi, Texas (April
79. Ocampos, A.I.*, Guinn, M.A.*, Elliott, J., Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Sinclair, C., Abdullah, H., Orbach, D.N. 2024.
Detection of human pharmaceuticals in blubber of wild dolphins. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University -
Corpus Christi’s Symposium for Student Innovation, Research, and Creative Activities. Corpus Christi, Texas
(April 2024).
78. McGhee, E.*, Orbach, D.N. 2024. Common bottlenose dolphin acoustics in diverse foraging contexts. Poster
presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi’s Symposium for Student Innovation, Research, and
Creative Activities. Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2024).
77. Fiori, L.*, Davis, R.W., Würsig, B., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Energetic cost of behavioral responses to human-
induced disturbance in wild dolphins, a non-invasive approach. Poster presentation. European Cetaceans
Society. Catania, Italy (April 2024).
76. Clear, E., Brassey, C., Grant, R., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Morphology and copulatory fit of genitalia in Southern
sea otters. Oral presentation. Southern Sea Otter Research Update Meeting. Santa Cruz, California (March
75. Ocampos, A.I.*, Guinn, M.A.*, Elliott, J., Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Sinclair, C., Abdullah, H., Orbach, D.N. 2024.
Human pharmaceuticals in free-swimming dolphins. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus
Christi’s SSS-STEM/TRIO International Day of Women in Science. Corpus Christi, Texas (February 2024).
74. Doyle, K., Orbach, D.N., Ford, L. 2024. Birds of a feather flocking together for action. Oral presentation
(Invited Speaker). Informal Science Education Association of Texas Conference. Corpus Christi, Texas
(February 2024).
73. Rich, J.*, Orbach, D.N. 2024. Development of mammalian artificial vaginas. Oral presentation. Texas Society
of Mammalogists. Junction, Texas (February 2024).
72. Ocampos, A.I.*, Guinn, M.A*., Elliott, J., Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Sinclair, C., Abdullah, H., Orbach, D.N. 2024.
Human pharmaceuticals detected in dolphin blubber. Oral presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogists.
Junction, Texas (February 2024).
71. Punjabi, L.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2024. Treatment plant impacts on behavioral states of bottlenose
dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Redfish Bay and Corpus Christi Bay. Poster presentation. Texas Society of
Mammalogists. Junction, Texas (February 2024).
70. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J.C.*, Orbach, D.N. 2024. Dolphin reproductive evolution explored through in vitro semen
analysis. Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Seattle, Washington (January
69. Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C.S., Elliott, J., Abdullah, H., Sinclair, C., Seemann, F., Orbach, D.N. 2023.
Physiological assessment of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) across a salinity gradient. Oral
presentation. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. Portland, Oregon (November 2023).
68. Ocampos, A.I.*, Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Sinclair, C., Elliott, J., Abdullah, H., Orbach, D.N. 2023.
Evaluation of pharmaceutical drugs and other contaminants in the blubber of bottlenose dolphins. Poster
presentation. Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science:
National Diversity in STEM. Portland, Oregon (October 2023).
67. Wilkins, A.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Population abundance growth of bottlenose dolphins in the
Texas Coastal Bend using photo-ID. Poster presentation. Society for the Advancement of
Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science: National Diversity in STEM. Portland, Oregon
(October 2023).
66. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J.C.*, Orbach, D.N. 2023. Female reproductive tract environmental effects on sperm
movement patterns in common bottlenose dolphins. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus
Christi’s Marine Science Graduate Student Organization Symposium. Corpus Christi, Texas (October 2023).
65. Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C.S., Elliott, J., Abdullah, H., Sinclair, C., Seemann, F., Orbach, D.N. 2023.
Physiological assessment of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) across a salinity gradient. Oral
presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi’s Marine Science Graduate Student Organization
Symposium. Corpus Christi, Texas (October 2023).
64. Ocampos, A.I.*, Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Sinclair, C., Elliott, J., Abdullah, H., Orbach, D.N. 2023.
Prescription pharmaceuticals in dolphin blubber. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi’s
Marine Science Graduate Student Organization Symposium. Corpus Christi, Texas (October 2023).
63. Punjabi, L.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Texas Coastal Bend treatment plant impacts on bottlenose
dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Oral presentation. Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi’s Marine Science
Graduate Student Organization Symposium. Corpus Christi, Texas (October 2023).
62. Mills, E.M.*, Piwetz, S., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Tracking bottlenose dolphin movement and behavior using a
shore-based theodolite in a busy Texas ship channel. Oral presentation. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine
Mammal Symposium. Mobile, Alabama (March 2023).
61. Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Hussain, A., Elliott, J., Foster, S. Seemann, F., Sinclair, C., Orbach, D.N.
2023. Physiological state of dolphins in the hypersaline Laguna Madre, Texas. Oral presentation. Southeast
and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium. Mobile, Alabama (March 2023).
60. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J.C., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Analyzing impacts of varying pH and on dolphin sperm viability.
Oral presentation. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium. Mobile, Alabama (March 2023).
59. Mills, E.M.*, Piwetz, S., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Tanker-surfing: Bottlenose dolphins bow-ride in a busy Texas ship
channel. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University System 18th Annual Pathway Symposium, Galveston,
Texas (March 2023).
58. Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Elliott, J., Sinclair, C., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Physiological assessment of
dolphins in the hypersaline Laguna Madre, Texas. Poster presentation Texas A&M University System 18th
Annual Pathway Symposium, Galveston, Texas (March 2023).
57. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J.C., Orbach, D.N. 2023. experimental evidence for the effect of cetacean vaginal features
on sperm viability. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University System 18th Annual Pathway Symposium,
Galveston, Texas (March 2023).
56. Guinn, M.A.*, Wittmaack-Kumar, C., Elliott, J., Sinclair, C., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Blubber hormones and
epidermal integrity as indicators of physiological condition of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the
hypersaline Laguna Madre, Texas. Oral presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, Texas
(February 2023).
53-55. Cano, E.*, Mills, E., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Determining if ‘orienting against the current’ is a dolphin foraging
-Poster presentation. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium. Mobile, Alabama
(March 2023).
-Poster presentation. Texas A&M University System 18th Annual Pathway Symposium, Galveston, Texas
(March 2023).
-Poster presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, Texas (February 2023).
52. Wilkins, A.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Current estimate of the population abundance of
bottlenose dolphins in the Texas Coastal Bend. Poster presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogists,
Junction, Texas (February 2023).
51. Rich, J.*, Doyle, K., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Future of Open Educational Resources: Student teaching in a
university-middle school collaboration. Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology,
Austin, Texas (January 2023).
50. Guinn, M.A.*, Kumar, C., Hussain, A., Elliott, J., Foster, Seemann, F., Sinclair, C., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Effects of
salinity on steroid hormones and epidermal integrity in dolphins. Oral presentation. Society for Integrative
and Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas (January 2023).
49. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Anatomy inspiring technology in novel artificial vagina design. Poster
presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas (January 2023).
46-48. Wilkins, A.*, McGlaun, W., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Population abundance of bottlenose dolphins in the Texas
Coastal Bend using photo-identification.
-Oral presentation. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium. Mobile, Alabama (March
-Poster presentation. Texas A&M University System 18th Annual Pathway Symposium, Galveston, Texas
(March 2023).
-Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas (January 2023).
45. Mills, E.M.*, Piwetz, S., Orbach, D.N. 2023. Theodolite tracking bottlenose dolphin movement and behavior in
a busy Texas ship channel. Oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas
(January 2023).
44. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J., Orbach, D.N. 2022. Improving ejaculate quality for conservation: Development of a
novel artificial vagina. Poster Presentation. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals,
Palm Beach, Florida (August 2022).
43. Guinn, M.A.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Physiological stress and health of dolphins in the Texas Coastal Bend. Oral
presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022 Spring Student Research Symposium, Corpus
Christi, Texas (April 2022).
42. Rich, J.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. An innovative approach to improving artificial insemination success. Oral
presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022 Spring Student Research Symposium, Corpus
Christi, Texas (April 2022).
41. Wilkins, A.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Abundance of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Texas Coastal Bend.
Oral presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022 Spring Student Research Symposium,
Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2022).
40. Mills, E.M.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Tracking bottlenose dolphin movement and behavior in the Corpus Christi
ship channel. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022 Spring Student Research
Symposium, Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2022).
39. Deel, M.C.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Utilization of computed tomography to view genital interactions in orcas
(Orcinus orca) during intromission. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022 Spring
Student Research Symposium, Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2022).
38. Clute, A.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Genital interactions in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nerei). Poster
presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022 Spring Student Research Symposium, Corpus
Christi, Texas (April 2022).
37. Partin, C.*, Orbach, D.N., Ramos, E.A., Magnasco, M.O., Reiss, D. 2022. Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
spatial dispersion and orientation in pods. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi 2022
Spring Student Research Symposium, Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2022).
36. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J., Orbach, D.N. 2022. Novel technology to improve artificial insemination success in
dolphins. Oral presentation. Texas A&M University 3MT, Corpus Christi, Texas (April 2022).
35. Mills, E.M.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Shore-based theodolite tracking of bottlenose dolphin movement and
behavior in the Corpus Christi Ship Channel. Poster presentation. Texas A&M University System 17th
Annual Pathway Symposium, College Station, Texas (March 2022).
34. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J., Orbach, D.N. 2022. Conservation innovation: a novel approach to improving assisted
reproductive technologies. Oral presentation.Texas A&M University System 17th Annual Pathway
Symposium, College Station, Texas (March 2022).
34. Deel, M.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Computed tomography to explore intromission in orcas (Orcinus orca). Poster
presentation. Texas A&M University System 17th Annual Pathway Symposium, College Station, Texas
(March 2022).
33. Rich, J.*, Cowart, J., Orbach, D.N. 2022. Novel biomimetic artificial vagina use to improve ejaculate quality.
Virtual oral presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist (February 2022).
32. Mills, E.M.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Movement and behavioral patterns of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus) in a dynamic Texas ship channel. Virtual oral presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist
(February 2022).
31. Clute, C.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Copulatory fit in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nerei). Virtual oral
presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist (February 2022).
30. Partin, C.*, Ramos, E., Magnasco, M.O., Reiss, D., Orbach, D.N. 2022. Dolphin (Tursiops trancatus) spatial
dispersion and orientation in groups. Virtual oral presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist (February
29. Deel, M.*, Orbach, D.N. 2022. Using computed tomography to assess copulatory fit in orcas (Orcinus orca)
Virtual poster presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist (February 2022).
28. Huron, S., McGlaun, W., McCracken, S., Orbach, D.N. 2021. How do various anthropogenic stressors affect
the long-term habitat use of bottlenose dolphins? Virtual oral presentation. Animal Behaviour Society
Virtual Meeting (August 2021).
27. Hurst, B., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Scar diminishing rates of common bottlenose dolphin in varying
natural salinity. Virtual oral presentation. Animal Behaviour Society Virtual Meeting (August 2021).
26. Dulip, R., Christensen, E., Jones, D., Louis, L., Mahlmann, J., Orbach, D., Sanchez, S., Rudowsky, C.
2021. Capitalizing on a pandemic: Academic innovation in the library that decreases the digital divide
among socioeconomic groups. Virtual oral presentation. Texas A&M University System Chancellor’s
Conference on Academic Technology (June 2021).
25. Hurst, B., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Varying natural salinity affects scar healing rates in bottlenose
dolphins. Virtual poster presentation. University of Maryland Virtual National Conference for McNair
Scholars and Undergraduate Research. (March 2021).
24. Huron, S.* Orbach, D.N. 2021. Effects of anthropogenic stressors on abundance, site fidelity, and
residency patterns of bottlenose dolphins in Coastal Bend, Texas. Virtual poster presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist (February 2021).
23. Hurst, B., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Healing rates of scars on bottlenose dolphins in varying natural
salinities. Virtual oral presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogist (February 2021).
22. Trickey, A., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Effects of male dusky dolphin mating behaviors on durations and
rates of copulation. Virtual oral presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
(January 2021).
21 Huron, S., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Population biology of bottlenose dolphins in the Texas Coastal Bend.
Animal Behaviour Society Twitter Conference, virtual (January 2021).
20. Hurst, B., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Scar healing rates on bottlenose dolphins in different natural salinities.
Animal Behaviour Society Twitter Conference, virtual (January 2021).
19. Trickey, A., Orbach, D.N. 2021. Male-specific behaviors of dusky dolphins affect frequency and
rates of copulations. Animal Behaviour Society Twitter Conference, virtual (January 2021).18. Brennan,
P.L.R., Orbach, D.N. 2019. Form and function of the dolphin clitoris and why it matters. Oral
presentation. Evolution, Providence, Rhode Island (June 2019).
17. Webber, M., Keener, W., Orbach, D.N., Szczepaniak, I., Markowitz, T., and Stern, J. 2017. Mating behavior of
male harbor porposes in San Francisco Bay. Oral presentation. 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of
Marine Mammals, Würsig Festschrift, Halifax, Canada (October 2017).
15-16. Orbach, D.N. Hedrick, B., and Brennan, P.L.R. 2017. Vaginal shape variation in cetaceans: effects of allometry, ontogeny, natural and sexual selection. Oral presentation:
- Biology of Spermatazoa Meeting, Derbyshire, UK (September 2017).
- Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, Toronto, Canada (June 2017).
13. Hillhouse, J., Orbach, D.N., Ziltener, A., and Würsig, B. 2016. Mating interactions of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). Poster presentation. Texas Society of Mammalogists 34th Annual Meeting, Junction, Texas (February 2016).
11-12. Mesnick, S. and Orbach, D.N., Danil, K., Chivers, S.J., Robeck, T.R., Montano, G.A., Gulland, F., Marshall, C.D., Dixson, A.F. 2015/2016. Coevolution of female and male reproductive tract anatomy in cetaceans. Oral presentations:
- Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, Oregon (January 2016).
- 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, California (December 2015).
9. Mattson, E., Orbach, D., Piwetz, S., Würsig, B., Highfield, W., Marshall, C. 2015. Potential oil spill effects on behavior and group size of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Galveston Ship Channel. Poster presentation. Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. Houston, Texas (February 2015).
8. Schotten, M., Würsig, B., Orbach, D., Sexton, K., Piwetz, S., and Lammers, M. 2013. Who is vocalising? Acoustic localisations of broadband clicks plotted onto video recordings of individual dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) in New Zealand. Poster presentation. 6th International Workshop on Detection, Classification, Localization and Density Estimation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics, St. Andrews, Scotland (June 2013).
7. Schotten, M., Würsig, B., Orbach, D., Sexton, K., and Piwetz, S. 2013. Broadband acoustic/video recordings and localisations of dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) and short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in New Zealand. Oral presentation. Abstracts of the 27th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Setúbal, Portugal (April 2013).
3-6. Pennacchi, A.M., Orbach, D.N., and Würsig, B.G. 2013. Behavior of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) relative to boat traffic in the Galveston Ship Channel, Texas. Posters presentations:
- 44th Annual Conference of the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine, Sausalito, California (April 2013).
- Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium, Jacksonville, Florida (March 2013).
- Texas A&M University’s 16th Student Research Week, College Station, Texas (March 2013).
1. Kügler, A., Orbach, D., and Würsig, B. 2012. Identifying ecological threats using natural marks on dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus). Poster presentation. Abstracts of the 26th European Cetacean Society Conference, Galway, Ireland (March 2012).